The Knowledge Workers Journal™

Where S.T.E.A.M. Practitioners Share Knowledge and Experiences with Learners


Data Quality Management

Data Integration Management: The Master Key to M&A Success

by iMYE Publishing and Productions

     Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are complex processes that require careful planning and execution. One of the most critical aspects of M&A is a predefined data integration strategy; which includes a set of adaptable data Standards, data policies, and a well-curated data catalog designed to meet dynamic business needs. In this blog post, where I discuss essential data integration management resources and capabilities that help ensure successful M&A deals.

Data Literacy: The Search for objective Truth.

by iMYE Publishing and Productions

 The search for objective truth in the digital age is no less urgent than in any age prior and ages to come. Currently, misinformation threatens to unravel the very fabric of societies, businesses, and organizations. Arguably, therefore, the ability to discern accurate, timely, reliable, and relevant facts or events is predicated on one's literacy of his or her data inputs.