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Information Management Engine

The Information Management Engine

The Information Management Engine
A Profit Prescription for the Business Ultimatum
The Blue-Collar IT Series
Published by IMYE Publishing
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The Information Management Engine's™ primary purpose is to describe a system of interconnected Trade-Practices designed to provide the Information Value-Delivery required to meet the Business-Ultimatum defined in this work.


Information is arguably the Primary-First resource need of all Living-Organisms and the Organizations they form. It enables the acquisition and fulfillment of all other basic survival and growth needs when acquired, perceived, processed, understood, and applied by the time and place of need.


As a result, the correct information at the right time, place, and amount provides enormous potential value to its owners and consumers. It can add a competitive edge to any Organization, School, or Business seeking advantage in their marketplaces of choice when acquired, processed, stored, and distributed more efficiently and effectively than others.

Hardback | 292 pages | $37.99 USD | 6x9 | 978-0963715227 | August 16, 2023