The Knowledge Workers Journal™

Where S.T.E.A.M. Practitioners Share Knowledge and Experiences with Learners

The Self-Empowered Team Player's Journal

The Self-Empowered Team Player's Journal

The Self-Empowered Team Player's Journal
Personal-Productivity for Work-Life Balance
The Knowledge-Workers Journal Series
Published by IMYE Publishing
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“The Self-Empowered Team Player's Journal - Personal-Productivity for Work-Life Balance” is a tool to help support Knowledge-Workers to build and contribute to high-performing teams that succeed in the Digital Age of Technology. This journal is a companion to the Handbook “Self-Empowerment – The Active Ingredient for Preferred Experiences in Digital Age” and “The Information Management Engine.” The companion set is intended to help individuals build and sustain good practices, skills, confidence, and the personal resilience needed to nurture Self-Empowerment.

Paperback | 105 pages | $9.99 USD | 7.5x9.25 | 979-8988933205 | August 20, 2023